Parable of the Survivors
NOVEMBER 6-7, 2021

We are so excited to run our second annual virtual conference Apocalyptic Resilience: Parable of the Survivors November 6th - 7th from 10 am - 4 pm PST. Last year, during Apocalyptic Resilience 2021, our community found ourselves in orbit around the quote “The destiny of Earthseed is to take root among the stars,” by science fiction author Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower series. This year’s conference is themed Parable of the Survivors, and we hope to co-create our own understanding of the hope, creativity, and resilience that shaped Octavia's first book.
Apocalyptic Resilience is a two day gamer-style virtual conference that will pull heavily from Afro & Indigenous science-fiction and fantasy. Youth (8 - 18) and adults will ‘level up’ on issues related to climate resilience with ten different break-out workshops and six panels and presentations. The second half of the second day, youth and adults will play a virtual Dungeons and Dragons game that relates to climate change issues. Youth will attend for free and adult tickets will be available on a sliding scale.

Visit the Eventbrite page for more registration and ticket details. Youth tickets are free!

*All sessions are subject to change*
Welcome and Land Acknowledgement
Keynote speakers at 10:30 am PDT
The Power of Art in Telling Our Stories: Favianna Rodriguez and Terisa Siagatonu in conversation
Session 1 at 11:40 am PDT
LUNCH BREAK at 12:30 pm PDT
Session 2 at 1:30 pm PDT
Session 3 at 2:45 pm PDT
Closing Performance by Sol Development
Youth Welcome
Keynote speakers at 10:30 am PST
On the Power of Social Media & Transformation - Isaias Hernandez (Queer Brown Vegan) in conversation with Aniya Butler (Youth Versus Apocalypse)
Session 4 at 11:40 am PST
LUNCH BREAK at 12:30 pm PST
Parable of the Survivors Dungeons and Dragons Intergenerational Game at 1 pm PST
Closing Music with DJ Dani Ahuicapahtzin Cornejo
at 4 pm PST
*All sessions are subject to change*
Session 1
Revolutions Begin with Research with Ric Urrutia
Building Your Character: Individual Choices for Powerful Impact with Lil Milagro Henriquez
Session 2
From Zombie Apocalypse to DeCO2lonization by Colin Miller of E/J Solutions
Growing Environmental Justice: Building a Youth Led Campaign with Youth Vs. Apocalypse
Weed and Food Foraging with and at City Slicker Farms
Radical Resourcing: Outdoor Preparedness and Survival Skills for the Collapse of Capitalism with Jamani Montague
Moving with the Waters: Understanding the History and Future of Sea Level Rise with Emma Greenbaum from the Exploratorium
Session 3
Evolution Design with Michelle Fox
Building Cross-Sector Collaborations: Resilience, Collaboration, & Community with Brett KenCairn Director of the Urban Drawdown Initiative
Beyond Apocalypses: Writing Our Climate Futures with Ashia Ajani
Connecting To Our Spirit: Ras K'Dee from Audio Pharmacy
From Seed to Plate: Growing Your Own Food with Jomar Ventura
Session 4
Watershed Health: Creating Via Pathways for Community Engagement with Save the Bay and the Shoreline Leadership Academy
We BEEN Zero Waste: History and Resistance of Black and Brown Communities and the Zero Waste Movement with Moji Igun
Detox Your Life!: Getting Rid of Toxic Chemicals in Your Home with Phoenix Armenta
Decolonizing Mental Health with Candice Rose Valenzuela


If you are interested in sponsoring the event, there are several sponsorship levels you can choose from $300 to $5,000 and we can send more information on different giving levels. Sponsors help support scholarships for working-class adults who will join us. Or, you can also make a donation to our online auction. All funding raised during the online auction goes towards supporting our free year-round Climate Resilient Schools programming at Title 1 schools (where 40% or more of the student population lives at or below the federal poverty limit).
​All donations are tax deductible through our 501c3 non-profit organization, Mycelium Youth Network. Our EIN number is 85-0663137. If you have any questions, please call or email me directly at (510) 842 – 6793 or lilmilagro@myceliumyouth.org.

Seed Planter Benefits
$500 to two tickets from adults identifying as from a historically disenfranchised community
Partner receives:
Partner logo on our webpage; and
Shout-out on both days of Apocalyptic Resilience.
Earthseed Survivors Benefits
$1,500 supports two tickets from adults identifying as from a marginalized community
Partner receives:
Partner logo on our webpage dedicated to Apocalyptic Resilience;
Shout-out on both days of Apocalyptic Resilience;
Social Promotion and Marketing of Apocalyptic Resilience in addition to organic reach; and
Newsletter mention with thanks and appreciation.
Change Maker Regenerator Benefits
$3,000 offsets full cost for youth tickets;
Partner receives:
Partner logo on our webpage dedicated to Apocalyptic Resilience;
Partner logo on our registration page;
Shout-out on both days of Apocalyptic Resilience;
Social Promotion and Marketing of Apocalyptic Resilience in addition to organic reach;
Newsletter mention with thanks and appreciation; and
Gratitude social media post dedicated to showcase organization
Hyperempathy Sharer Benefits
$5,000 offsets full cost for youth tickets and eight adult tickets
Partner receives:
Partner logo on our webpage dedicated to Apocalyptic Resilience;
Permanent spot on our collaborator page;
Partner logo on our registration page;
Shout-out on both days of Apocalyptic Resilience;
Social Promotion and Marketing of Apocalyptic Resilience in addition to organic reach;
Newsletter mention with thanks and appreciation; and
Gratitude social media post dedicated to showcase organization